Turmeric Uses And Health Benefits

Turmeric uses and health benefits have been a topic of conversation and, debate worldwide over the last few years. What is Tumeric? The spice Turmeric is a perennial plant; derived from the rhizome Curcuma longa. [The tuberous rhizomes; is a type of plant stem, that grows horizontally underground; It Produces roots shaped like bulbs and, the stem system for new plants}. Also, It is one of the key ingredients in curry powder. Rhizome also stores starches and, proteins that allow the plant to survive any hostile season. As well, it gives us good stuff that is beneficial for our health.

A spice and a member of the ginger family. Also related to herbs, called Indian saffron; And is native to Southeast Asia. Widely cultivated on the mainland and, on the islands of the Indian Ocean. The plant grows 5 6 feet, trumpet-shaped.; with dull yellow flowers.


The tuberous rhizomes are used as a culinary spice, medication; textile dye, and aromatic stimulant. In ancient times it was used as a perfume as well as a spice. The underground stem has a pepper-like aroma and: a somewhat bitter warm taste; with a strong orange-yellow staining color; due to its main component Curcumin. Moreover, It is this ingredient that colors and, flavors everything from curry to meats, poultry, fish, and even spiced butter. As well as being fat-soluble; which means it breaks down and dissolves in fat or oil. Plus turmeric water is also applied as a cosmetic to lend a golden glow to the complexion.

The Main Ingredient In Turmeric

The main components of turmeric are Curcuminoids. { Curcuminoids are natural polyphenol compounds, And polyphenols are compounds we get from some plant-based food.} It was first isolated in 1815 by two scientists, Vogel and Pelletier. The main active ingredient in turmeric is Curcumin. As a polyphenol, curcumin gives this plant its greatest health benefits. Giving us an upper hand when it comes to our health.

And also, now, a component of long-established medicines. It is a powerful antioxidant; It also contains anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. A recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows curcumin, an active ingredient in turmeric, is effective in killing cancer cells. More Information Here

Not only does it give a special flavor to food, rich in vitamin C and B6; but also, Added recently to functional foods, beverages, dietary supplements, and processed foods. In addition, it’s an excellent source of Dietary fiber, potassium, iron, Omega 3 fatty acid, and Manganese. 2 teaspoons will give you 19 calories. Not ready or want to take a supplement, You can still benefit from adding it to; Scramble eggs, Rice, Soups, and Smoothies.

The Challenge of Turmeric

Taking turmeric by itself, will not work to relieve any discomfort; due to the fact that it’s poorly absorbed into the bloodstream. Therefore the big challenge was finding a way, To make curcuminoids stable in the gut and, deliver them into the bloodstream. Without the use of substances that are otherwise bad for us. Once in the plasma, however, curcumin is quite stable and even permeable,[a material that allows fluids or gas to pass through.

Piperine[A component found in black pepper, ] is combined with curcumin; it increases the absorption by 2,000% In humans. At 45 minutes after co-administering curcumin orally with piperine. A new form called Complexing,[ (making an atom or compound form a composite with another. In this case, Joining curcumin to phosphatidylcholine (PC).[A chemical found in soya beans. eggs, sunflowers, and other foods. Also found in our body cells naturally. Into a “phytosome” [The delivery system] Shows a much better absorption rate. Research continues to work on this issue and, make it easier for curcumin to get where it is needed most. Raising its possible use for our health benefits.


In view of its special properties, curcumin is in the markets of several countries including. China, India, Japan, Korea, Nepal, Pakistan, Thailand, and The United States. In various designs such as capsules, cosmetics, energy drinks, ointments, soaps, and tablets.

The Use Of Turmeric An its Health Benefits.

The Arthritis Foundation cites several studies in which turmeric has reduced inflammation. Because of this, the anti-inflammatory ability will reduce the bother that people with arthritis feel in their joints. The foundation suggested taking turmeric capsules of 400 to 600 milligrams (mg) up to three times per day for inflammation relief. Studies of curcumin in people are still in the early stages: What has been done suggested, that curcumin may help to lessen the effect of Inflammation.

Immune system When your immune system is compromised, you’re more susceptible to illnesses like colds, Hay fever. the flu, allergies, etc. turmeric seems to reduce the symptoms such as sneezing, itching, runny nose, and congestion. Research has shown curcumin improves the immune system’s ability to recognize invasive bacteria and viruses as enemies. It then attracts cells that will kill and eat these enemies.  Curcumin is unique in that it offers comprehensive immune support — reducing swelling and discomfort –throughout our entire body.  

Heart disease: Studies suggest that turmeric may help prevent the build-up of plaque. [fatty substance in the blood] That blocks our blood vessels, moreover, leading to heart attacks and strokes. It showed in animal studies, to lower cholesterol levels and, kept bad cholesterol from building up in the blood vessels. Plus it may also prevent blood clots from forming along the walls of the arteries.

Research Continues On Curcumin With New Results

Cancer: At present, there is not sufficient evidence to recommend curcumin for preventing or treating cancer. Above all, Clinical trials are ongoing, to investigate curcumin as a solution, to prevent cancer in people with pre-malignant conditions. Also as a treatment for cancer and, as a medication to treat patients suffering the effect of cancer treatments. Taking curcumin, by mouth, or as a lozenge or mouthwash, seems to prevent swelling and sores in the mouth during radiation treatment for cancer. Evidence from test tube and animal studies suggests that curcumin may help prevent or treat several types of cancers, including prostate, breast, skin, and colon cancer.

Indigestion:  In one double-blind, placebo-controlled study; found, that turmeric reduced symptoms of bloating and gas in people suffering from indigestion.

Ulcerative colitis: A chronic disease of the digestive tract; turmeric in a double-blind placebo-controlled study; people already in remission, took either curcumin or placebo, along with regular medical treatment for 6mts. The ones who took curcumin had a more notably reduced rate of relapse than those who took the placebo.

Depression. Most research shows that taking curcumin, by mouth reduces the symptoms of depression in people already using an antidepressant.

Premenstrual Syndrome: In a recent study of a group of women for 3 cycles in a row; It was noted that curcumin supplement eased PMS symptoms and, menstrual cramps

Interaction That May Occur When Taking Turmeric:

Interaction: Blood Thinners: Turmeric may increase the strength of these drugs.[ warfarin= (Coumadin), Clopidogrel= (Plavix), and aspirin, Because of this, blood clotting might slow down even further; increasing the risk of bruising and bleeding. Stop taking turmeric at least 2 weeks before any surgery. And make sure to tell your doctor/surgeon that you have been taking turmeric.

Drugs to reduce the acid in the stomach: Turmeric may interfere with these drugs causing an increase in the production of stomach acid. e;g= Tagamet,Zantac, prilosec, Nexium.

Diabetic medication: If you are diabetic talk to your doctor first before starting on turmeric: Turmeric may lower blood sugar levels.If you are already taking medications for diabetes. Turmeric may cause your blood sugar to drop even lower. You will need to monitor your blood sugar closely. For more Interactions GO HERE


Side Effects Of Turmeric

Side Effects: Turmeric has not been researched for children. For adults. Herbs can cause side effects, and may also interact with other herbs, or medications. So as a precaution, discuss with your primary medical provider before starting any herbal, or check the site above, to see if any medication you are currently taking is on their list. In some adults, it has been reported to have experienced mild side effects such as nausea, dizziness, upset stomach, or diarrhea. However, these side effects are more common at higher doses.

Precautions And Warning

Problems With Gallbladder: Do not use turmeric if you have gallbladder problems, such as obstructed bile duct, or gallstones. It may make the problems worse.

Infertility: Turmeric may decrease sperm movement. Which may reduce fertility.

Iron deficiency: High doses of turmeric, may prevent the absorption of Iron. To be used with caution if diagnosis with Iron deficiency anemia.

Pregnancy: Taking turmeric outside of the small amount found in food, is likely unsafe. Because it might cause a menstrual cycle or stimulate the uterus. Do not take medicinal amounts of turmeric if you are pregnant.

My Use Of Turmeric

I have suffered from back pain for the last 20yrs. At first, it was the occasional Tylenol for a really bad day. Then about 7yrs ago I was in a car accident. The results were a further injury to my back and now left knee damage. For the next 3 yrs, I took ibuprofen. Started with otc 200mgs 2 tabs twice daily and worked my way up to prescription 800mgs 3 times daily over 2 years. mobility down 60%.


Yes, you know it is stomach problems. My Gastrointestinal doctor and I had a long talk after my second UGI. I needed to get off Ibuprofen. And he suggested turmeric, but it had to be the recommended dose with black pepper. For 2 weeks I research every make and formula.

The first one I tried gave me such heartburn after 3 days I stopped. $40.00. 2 more trials and more money flushed before finally I found the one. 6months later I switched. This one had no black pepper. Instead, it has a new composite. I take 1 400mg pill twice daily. The benefits, fewer pills, and absorption rate are excellent. stiffness first thing the morning, gone by 10 am. improved mobility.

Started to use my stationary bike again. Had to stop for chemo, the 2 drugs did not play well together. Started back on December 18th, 2021. yes, I remember the exact date and time. The difference 2.5 weeks makes is unbelievable. And I know from experience it will only get better.

In Conclusion

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you got enough information to make an informed decision. Whenever in douth talk to your doctors. I know getting around is not as easy anymore, what with the virus still on our minds. Most doctors have now allocated 2-3hours daily for phone conferences. To lose your mobility and independence is heartbreaking. And to be avoided if at all possible. Have a very happy and blessed new year. See you again soon.