Dog Smelly Gas Remedy

Yes, finally Dog smelly gas remedy is here. Most of us at some point in time, have had the odor problem when just you and man’s best friend are alone. If you’ve ever experienced a room-clearing episode of canine flatulence, you know why it’s so easy to point the finger at Max. That innocent face that looks back at you with that  “not me” look. Well I have found a product that will take the smell away safely: Here

 What is paw Pourri?

Paw-Pourri is an all-natural product that neutralizes our dogs’ smelly gas. A dog chew will fix that problem for good safely. The most important thing about this supplement; is that it does not interfere with or, reduce Max’s {my dog} production of gas in his stomach. It is necessary. Gas is formed when the bacteria in the gut break down the food eaten. So with the gas, we know that the bacteria are doing their job.   

paw-pourri chew pack with picture of a dog THE REMEDY FOR SMELLY DOG GAS
Package Of Chew

When does the smelly remedy start to work?


 When the dog-smelly gas remedy food reaches the stomach, the digestive process begins. Hydrochloric Acid which is 100 times stronger than ours begins to work. It opens up the protein part of the meal and, activates enzymes that go on to produce amino acids.  The smelly parts are formed by ammonia and hydrogen sulfide; Above all, only after these gasses are formed by the bacteria, that the supplement goes to work.

 How does it work

Paw-Pourri.The all-natural ingredients attach themselves to the smelly particles and clear them out. If you have ever used a strainer to strain something lumpy, you got the picture. Because of this, when our adorable pooch passes gas from now on, you can breathe easily for no one will notice, unless there is a toot attached.  

 How to give the smelly remedy.

The paw-Pourri chew is a 30-size package. Start by giving your pet 1 chew daily. And this can be with or without food. You should start to notice the lack of odor within 2-3 hours and, plus this will last up to 10 hours. If the toots odor remains, increase the chew to 2 daily. But not within 2 hours of any other medication.

Ingredients in one chew of smelly dog gas remedy


The safety and well-being of your pet are of the utmost importance. And because of this, the observation of caution is necessary. Please speak to your vet, before giving your pet the chew, especially if she is pregnant, or breastfeeding. If your pet’s gas smell does not improve or, becomes worse, please stop the chew and talk to the vet again.

The invention of the paw-Pourri

PawPourri started as a class project at the university. Mark and his classmates needed to come up with an idea for a new product. As a joke, he suggested a pill to make gas passed not sting. But before they could use the idea they needed to know it would work. After weeks of research, he came up with a list of ingredients he suspected could reduce the odor of farts that was safe to digest. His classmates became his guinea pigs to test out their effectiveness. Some ingredients failed but some actually made the gas not stink! Those ingredients are what ended up making it into this product. And we have it here. The Original Canine Tootralizer.

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Thank you for stopping by. I hope you are as satisfied with this product as I am. I have had many dogs in my lifetime. Never one without smelly gas. Until now. You are welcome to browse Here

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