Diaper For free !!!NDBN

Diaper for free NDBN was founded and began operation in 2011, to help one in three families who above all, cannot afford an adequate supply of diapers for their children.

Ending diaper need, period poverty, and the lack of access to basic necessities in the U.S. Its members, in 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, uniquely provide free diapers to families in need. The benefits of free diapers are too big to ignore, both in economic and family health.

What Is A Diaper Need?

What is a diaper need? Diaper need is the lack of a sufficient supply of diapers. To keep an infant or child clean, not to mention, healthy. Diaper need is widespread, in almost all communities throughout the United States. From border areas to tightly packed populated urban cities. 1 in 3 U.S. families suffers from diaper needs. With this in mind, Diaper for free, NDBN wants to change that.

Furthermore, Babies without clean diapers are exposed, to possibly more health risks, & less likely accepted into daycares. Leaving parents stressed. frustrated and unable to attend work.


NDBN Gives Support

NDBN connects and supports our counties; with more than 225 community-based diaper banks. They collect, store and also distribute free diapers to struggling families. The Network serves nearly 280,000 children; throughout the country each month: In addition, they work with A Network of diaper banks, donors, sponsors, allied programs, and elected officials to end diaper needs and period poverty in the United States.  

Basic Needs Curriculum!! Diaper For Free

The basic need-informed curriculum, is a training program constructed, to expand the outlook of professionals. By coaching participants to consider and address, the gaps in basic needs, and moreover other poverty-related issues. For social service, educational and medical professionals who, provide assistance and care to poor and low-income families and children.

The approval of basic needs informed care by professionals can ensure that outcome, can then be more successful, also skillful delivery of services, support, and assessments may be improved by understanding; applying basic needs and informed questions to problems, where the root cause may be more simple than we realize.

DIAPER FOR FREE. ways to assist with diaper for free

Ways To Support The Free NDBN!!!

Diaper Bank Network has over 240 diaper bank programs around the country And serves over 200,000 children a month. Furthermore, this important work to wipe out diaper needs is dependent on individuals like you.

[ 1 ]Make a one-time contribution; between $15.00 to $100.00; or be a monthly Champion by choosing between $15- $100.00   As a contributor you get to help NBDN raise awareness about the diaper need in America, advocate for policy changes to make diapers more accessible to poor and low-income families, and above all get diapers to their member diaper banks across the country.

[ 2 ]You may start your own fundraiser: or Find and support a fundraiser in progress.

[ 3 ]Matching Gifts At your place of employment. Many companies have matching gift programs and, will match your contribution. Plus you can deduct it from your taxes. There is information and instruction: on how to submit your match.

Host a Diaper Drive

[ 4 ] Host a Diaper Drive: If interested in hosting a drive for your community. Watch this video. the video is 1min 33sec. and full of information on how to.

[ 5 ] Become a volunteer: More than ever You are needed. Most diaper bank programs rely heavily on volunteers.  Above all, a few hours sorting, packing, or wrapping diapers and, other basic needs items can make a huge difference, for your local program and the families they serve.

A baby needs 6-12 diapers; Many families could not afford diapers before the pandemic. Therefore diaper banks are now finding it difficult to keep up with the demand. Check out the member directory to find a program closest to you


National Diaper Need Awareness Week For 2023 is September 18 – September 24, 2023. The week drew attention to the issue of diaper needs in the U.S.And I Will continue to monitor and post updates here when known: Keep your baby clean and dry.
Dial 2-1-1 for immediate help. Maryland’s Children Need Diapers

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