Helping Yourself And Personal Growth

Helping yourself and personal growth is something we should all be working on consistently and always.  Growing is part of who we are.  Mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.  Becoming the best person we can be should be an everyday focus, goal, and achievement. Telling yourself there is no time in your busy life for this, is no longer an excuse. Sparing 1 hour in your schedule to do something for yourself, is important. Plus the benefits may also create a project you can share with the family.  Some of those benefits are; It boosts self-esteem, gives you a distraction that is positive, and it’s a hobby that As we continue to build our better “us” we will list and share finds online that help with doing just that.

Learning to crochet easily is self-growth

Helping Yourself & Personal Growth CROCHET HOOK WORKING WITH YARM DEMO in learning to crochet

Discover the joy of crochet! It’s a skill passed down through generations, bringing beauty to family heirlooms. Starting out may seem daunting, but you’ll soon impress yourself and others with your newfound talent. My sisters and I learn to crochet from our mother. My Grand mother taught our mom.  Some of those beautiful pieces we share with our family today.  Crochet isn’t just a hobby; it’s personal growth in action. As you stitch, you’ll find a boost in self-esteem, a positive distraction, and a calming effect. Plus, it’s a cost-effective way to create unique pieces. Join others in embracing this beautiful craft. Start your journey here.

Meditating!! A simple way to reduce stress.

The Road To Financial Freedom Is Here

Helping Yourself & Personal Growth. A mother lying on the floor ,toddler on her back while she works from home.

Our lives are busy and becoming more so every day. Anything we can do to ease the congestion and, the extra stress is worth taking a second look at. Is this right for me, will it add or take away from my busy day and, also be less stressful? Whether it’s learning to crochet, or deciding to work from home, you have options. Slow down, take a deep breath and explore your options. For me the  my priority were embracing personal fulfillment, health-care, and stress-reducing practices such as meditation and above all the enjoyment of my favorite hobby Reading. I work from home, for me, it is a great alternative. Working as a registered home care nurse for the last 30 years, I was ready to retire but, not ready to sit around doing nothing.

Helping Yourself & Personal Growth. Working from home A lady holding her coffee cup the caption reads, I am a marketeer and I make my own hours with