Oregano Joy Of The Mountain

Oregano the joy of the mountain; For my second article on herbs I choose Oregano. What is oregano? Oregano is an aromatic herb from the mint family. Used for thousands of years for flavoring food, and also to treat multiple health conditions. A perennial, the Mediterranean oregano, is Called Joy of the mountain by the Greeks. For it’s associated with joy and, happiness. After world war ll. soldiers returned home, with a special taste for what they called”the pizza herb”; Since; Oregano has been a staple on our spice racks across America.

True Greek Oregano Seeds .
True Greek Oregano

Different Types Of Oregano:

There are two types of oregano. However from completely different plants; Mediterranean[which we will talk about] and, Mexican which is from the lemon verbena family, has an earthy, citrusy lime flavor. Depending on which area, of the Mediterranean, grows oregano the flavor changes, because of this, some are more bitter, sweet, or peppery. Greek oregano is more savory and, earthy in flavor with purple flowers.

Let’s Start Planting Our Oregano:

You can plant from Seeds, and also Cuttings, A packet of seeds, [make sure you read the packet, to get the variety you want]. Soil– light well-drained; Miracle-gro seed starting potting mix 8, Total $10.00 As well If you have soil left over from planting Basil you can use it. Oregano grows better in moderately fertile soil; therefore, no fertilization or compost is necessary.

oregano rooting in a glass of water. then transfer to pot with soil. growing herbs indoors

I started from a cutting, a small flat bottom glass,1/2 filled with water. I removed all the leaves from the lower 1/3 of the cutting and, placed them into the glass.

The cutting took 3week to grow proper roots for transplanting. At this point, I transferred over to my doggie food can. Using soil from our last endeavor.

Other items for good oregano’s growth:

Needed a Sunny windowsill. Mine I share with Smokey, her time slot from dawn to 1 pm, then its mind until sunset.[ compromise is good for peace]. This herb loves the sun. Water; water thoroughly only when the soil is dry to touch and; until the water comes out of the bottom of your container. Oregano is a prolific grower. But low Maintenace. When the plant is about 4inches high, start trimming lightly to encourage a bushier plant. harvest just before the plant flower for the best most robust rich zesty flavor.

The Health Benefits Of Oregano.

For hundreds of years, this herb has been a very important part of natural medicine. Incredibly, oregano has effectively treated many health problems. Used in food as a spice and a preservative, this herb also contains chemicals that fight against many health conditions.

Known for its antiviral, anti-inflammatory; antioxidant properties; And above all, It contains several healing compounds such as Carvacrol, Thymol, Terpinene, Fibre, Vitamins- B6, K, E, C, Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, Folate, Iron, Copper, and Potassium. Used Either as an ingestion or skin application. Plus In the latest research, It was discovered that a component of oregano- the joy of the mountain; may slow down or prevent the progression of breast cancer. If proven what a life-changing amazing discovery that will be.

Some Health Problems Oregano Helps:

Oregano essential oil is called the best of the best and, the most powerful antiseptic to come from plants. Effective in preventing growth and, killing multiple bacteria, with evidence that it helps to regulate blood sugar and lipids; Can be used For Inhalation; On the skin and, under the tongue,[both of which is diluted in olive oil] or Swallowed [a few drops in a cup of water]

Antibacterial: bladder and lung infections; mild food poisoning; stomach flu; cuts; acne,+++:

Antifungal: fungal infections; candida; athlete’s foot: psoriasis,+++:

Anti-inflammatory: asthma toothache; gum disease; seasonal allergies; muscle pain,+++:

Anti-parasitic: ringworm; intestinal parasites.

Antiviral: sore throat; cold and flu symptoms; respiratory problems; insect bites; cold sores and warts:

Not to use if pregnant, or breastfeeding may cause uterine contractions or miscarriage, Plus If taking a blood thinner, or for 2 weeks before surgery as oregano may slow blood clotting.

The Joy Of The Mountain:

Oregano is a herb with a lot to offer. Used correctly It will not overpower your excellent dishes, but rather complement and enhance the flavors within your dish. It can be added to many dishes in amounts depending on your taste. Try it, you will be pleasantly surprised.

My Dish for this week Is Oregano Chicken Wings:

chicken wings and oregano joy of the mountain grilled in airfryer

I wanted to try something new this week. Hence the wings. 2 lbs of Chicken Wings washed and dried. Salt and black pepper. Into my bullet, I put. 4 cloves of garlic. and 2 tablespoons of fresh oregano; [ you can use 1 tablespoon dry ] 2 tablespoons olive oil, and let that baby mince. When finely chopped, cover the wings with the mixture, making sure all the crevices and creases are covered. You want to cover it and place it in the fridge for 20-30 minutes. Now you have a choice, oven or air fryer. I used the air fryer.20 minutes later on 375; [ my fryer does top and bottom no need to shake 1/2 way through] And I have to tell you those babies came out golden brown and crispy. And above all the Aroma was incredible!!!!

Next Comes The Wine:

Something Fitting For The Joy Of The Mountain:

I was not sure of this pairing so I went to the pairing page for help. When it comes to wine and chicken wing pairings, I needed crisp acidic whites like Sauvignon Blanc. Guess what I had a 2018 Sauvignon Blanc. I did not have to go hunting in the wine shop. Delivered to my door every month, Is that not fabulous or what? My meal was a great success. Oregano dressed in Chicken Wings and Fine White Wine. Who New? If you would like more information Please Browse Here.

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References: WebMD.Com;

Medical News Today.Com;