All About Helping Yourself & Personal Growth

How do you go all about Helping yourself and achieving personal growth? an easy question to ask but a difficult one to answer. But this is something we should all be working on consistently and always.  Personal Growth is part of who we are.  Mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.  Becoming the best person we can be should be an everyday focus, goal, and achievement.  As we continue to build our better “selves” we will list and share finds online that will help to do just that.

Learning to crochet easily is self-growth

All About Helping Yourself & Personal Growth CROCHET HOOK WORKING WITH YARM DEMO in learning to crochet

Learning to crochet easily is personal growth and you will be amazed at how quickly you will master this art. I learn to crochet from my mother. Her mother taught her. And the beautiful pieces handed down, that my sisters and I share with our family today. Even if you are a beginner you will soon master this skill, i. While helping yourself with personal growth. Also, there are benefits; Some of those benefits are; it boosts self-esteem, gives you a distraction that is positive, and has a calming effect, it’s a hobby that is cost-effective, You will enjoy this new craft, even better start a group with a few friends. Learn more about this beautiful art here

Meditating!! A simple way to reduce stress.

Meditation is something I started to reduce stress and promote relaxation. It involves paying attention to the breath, anchoring ourselves in the present moment without judgment. I had to do my research before deciding what was right for me. And finally discover Meditation, Quoted as a simple practice available for everyone to reduce stress, increase calmness, clarity, and promote happiness. For me a WOW-WOW  moment. Exactly what I was looking for. And above all, is not costly and could be done at home. Go here and read about my Meditating experience

The Road To Financial Freedom Is Here


Embarking on the road to financial freedom involves using Information  from the Superhighway and working from home. This journey allows individuals to embrace flexible work arrangements and tap into the boundless opportunities offered by online platforms. The merging of technology and remote work has unlocked  new branches of financial independence and freedom, allowing individuals to shape their own professional destinies with unique convenience and openness.  By working from home via the Internet, you not only gain the opportunity to engage with like-minded individuals and be part of a global experience. Additionally, it empowers you to create amazing lifestyles, all while enjoying the convenience and flexibility that comes with remote work. SEE WHAT IS AVAILABLE FOR YOU WHEN YOU BECOME A MARKETEER


My Journey Into Working From Home. As I embark on my journey into working from home after a fulfilling career as a registered home care nurse, it was natural for me to seek ways to ease congestion and reduce stress while considering the best options for my post-retirement lifestyle. Whether it involves pursuing new hobbies, exploring remote work opportunities, or simply finding a balance between relaxation and productivity, taking a deliberate approach was helpful for me to make an informed decisions for this new chapter in my professional journey. It was essential for me to carefully assess whether the transition to working from home agreed with my lifestyle and contributes to a less stressful and more fulfilling daily routine.

All About Helping Yourself & Personal Growth a poster with i am a marketeer and and my web site

Starting an online business suited me and, was a great option for me Plus it is rewarding. Go here and see what I spend my days doing. With other like-minded people who have become friends. I do enjoy my days. Yes, I do enjoy my days, they are fulfilling and productive!!!!! “I am a Marketeer” For me the key lies in embracing personal fulfillment prioritizing self-care, and implementing stress-reducing practices such as meditation enjoying my favorite hobby reading.  I could not have asked for anything better to do with my older young days. It is All About Helping Yourself & Personal Growth!!!!