Meditating!! A simple way to reduce stress.

Meditating!! A simple way to reduce stress. For me, a way to reduce stress is Meditating. How did I come to make that decision you asked?  By trying different relaxation methods and choosing the best one for me.Because Over time our lives have become much more hectic. With little or no time to decompress our minds, if only for a short period. And so my search began.                                          


 My Criteria to reduce stress

Something I can add to my daily routine; preferably in the morning.

Did not cost a lot To set up.

And done in the safety and comfort of my own home.     


After searching the web, and talking to a few friends, I made a list of what I needed for Meditating!! A simple way to reduce stress. I am amazed at how much is available. Clubs, individual classes, some instructors even came to you, Private groups. Then there is the cost of equipment, some items I did not know even existed. In the end, I decided On meditation. To try for me by myself. Moreover, I gave myself 3 months to get started and to work out any obstacles that may present themselves.


   Setting up for success Meditating!! A simple way to reduce stress

The first thing I needed was a good guide and how to. I found this one in the New York Times Label Well          It explained what meditation was.” A simple practice that is available to all of us, plus, it can reduce stress, increase calmness and clarity, and promote happiness. above all, straightforward to learn and the benefits can come quickly.” I was even more interested after reading that.

To start. 1] time: For me, 07:00 every morning including weekends for 15 minutes to start: 2] place:  My bedroom on an extra large pillow I bought just for that: On the floor. It is by far the quietest room in the house. And I was ready; except for one more thing. What happens if my mind wanders off? That was also In my article, and it is a lifesaver. It explained what to do as well as how. And so I practice that outside of meditation and it works very well.


  My progress With meditating!!

Meditating!! A simple way to reduce stress. Mindful meditation
Mindful meditation

My first week with Meditating!! A simple way to reduce stress schedule went by very quickly. It was easy to stick to and there were no interruptions. And yes, my biggest problem was my wandering mind. Whenever it happened, I remember this” There is nothing wrong with this it’s natural conditioning of the mind to wander” Then the article continues on to explain what to do, and believe me with practice it gets easier.

Also included in this Article is 4 guided medication ranging from 1 -15 minutes that helped me to remain in the present moment. I Did the 1 minute every day for 14 days during my morning routine, but by the 2nd week, I was doing it at work as well. And then I continued Meditating!! A simple way to reduce stress, on the 2nd level which is 4 minutes for over 4 weeks. I just wanted to get comfortable with every aspect as I discovered how much help I was truly getting from this.  


        In Conclusion

There are lots of different types of meditation one can do to reduce stress. Above all, choose the one that works well for you. Our minds wander a lot, we are thinking and worrying about work, bills, family, and, health. Meditation is a way of training the mind to step out of distracted thought and help us to get back to the present. And moreover giving us the tools to become a calmer kinder person to ourselves and others.

I am so happy to do this. I can see for myself the difference it has made for me and my family. 3 times every week we now have 4minutes of meditation time together, and you know what besides the benefits? It is fun. Time the family spends together no Tv, loud music, or outside distractions. This is something I could never envision but is in process, due to meditation and reducing stress.

  Tara Brach, a popular meditation teacher “Meditation is a training of our attention,” Ms. Brach said. “It allows us to step out of distracted thought, and helps us arrive in the present moment in a balanced and clear way.

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